Our Vision

Improving health outcomes in Africa.

Our Mission

Vaka Health lifts health outcomes for urban, rural and remote African communities by using fit for purpose education and training using scalable mobile technology.

Our Story

Vaka started in Zimbabwe in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal was to increase nurses access to continuing education, training and clinical decision support tools like clinical guidelines. Growth of platform accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic due to travel restrictions and online learning was embraced. With 25000 nurses enrolled MyCpdZw has delivered Over 1.5 million units of CPD over 4 years. The vision was broadened to cater for micro-credentialing, advanced nurse training, and economic empowerment led to the current day scope of work and partnership with the East Central Southern Africa College of Nurses and Midwives ECSACONM (16 member countries).

Our Name

VAKA means ‘build,’ ‘develop,’ or ‘to be awake, watch or guard’ reflecting our values and ethos to build better healthcare in Africa.